android - Libpng 漏洞

标签 android security opencv libpng

我的应用程序用于使用 wifi 进行实时视频流和录制(音频和视频)。使用以下依赖项:

repositories { maven { url '' } }
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
compile project(':main')
compile files('libs/javacpp.jar')
compile files('libs/javacv.jar')
compile ''
compile ''
compile ''
testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
compile files('libs/armeabi.jar')

一旦我尝试上传到播放商店,谷歌由于 Libpng 漏洞拒绝了我的应用程序,我发现 opencv lib 版本有问题,所以用它的 gradle 依赖替换了 opencv jar 文件,我从 libs/armeabi 中删除了 .so 文件。 jar 文件夹,然后谷歌没有显示该漏洞问题并将其上传到 Play 商店。

Hello Google Play Developer,

We rejected STEELMAN PRO – Video Scope, with package name com.steelmanpro.wifivideoscope, for violating our Malicious Behavior or User Data policy. If you submitted an update, the previous version of your app is still available on Google Play.

This app uses software that contains security vulnerabilities for users or allows the collection of user data without proper disclosure.

Below is the list of issues and the corresponding APK versions that were detected in your recent submission. Please upgrade your app(s) as soon as possible and increment the version number of the upgraded APK.

APK Version(s)
Libpng library
The vulnerabilities were fixed in libpng v1.0.66, v.1.2.56, v.1.4.19, v1.5.26 or higher. You can find more information about how resolve the issue in this Google Help Center article.


To confirm you’ve upgraded correctly, submit the updated version of your app to the Developer Console and check back after five hours to make sure the warning is gone.

While these vulnerabilities may not affect every app that uses this software, it’s best to stay up to date on all security patches. Make sure to update any libraries in your app that have known security issues, even if you're not sure the issues are relevant to your app.

Apps must also comply with the Developer Distribution Agreement and Developer Program Policies.

If you feel we have made this determination in error, please reach out to our developer support team.


The Google Play Team

但是现在视频没有录制。这些是我的应用程序中使用的 .so 文件:

.so files used in the application.



  • 将 opencv、javaCV、javaCpp 和 FFMPEG 更新到最新版本
  • 将架构指定为“arm”
  • 下载
    所有库的相同版本的android arm.jar文件来自
    maven 存储库
  • 提取jar并复制so文件
    从所有 jar 库中的 libs 文件夹粘贴 .so 文件
    在 src/main/jnlibs/armeabiv7a
  • 项目 list

    还要在 build.gradle 中指定 ndk 文件夹

  • 更新的gradle如下:
    dependencies {
        compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
        compile group: 'org.bytedeco', name: 'javacv', version: '1.3.1'
        compile group: 'org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets', name: 'opencv', version: '3.1.0-1.3', classifier:    'android-arm'
        compile group: 'org.bytedeco.javacpp-presets', name: 'ffmpeg', version: '3.2.1-1.3', classifier: 'android-arm'
        compile ''
        compile ''
        testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
        compile files('libs/test.jar')
        compile files('libs/zxing.jar')
        compile(name:'FFmpegAndroid', ext:'aar')

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