python - 如何将蒙版应用于 16 位图像?

标签 python opencv

apply mask like this to an image

如何将蒙版应用于 16 位图像?它适用于使用以下代码的 8 位图像:

image = misc.imread('test.jpg')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.Color(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
x = 610
y = 220
w = h = 150
mask = np.zeros(gray.shape[:2], np.uint8)
mask[y:y+h,x:x+w] = 255
res = cv2.bitwise_and(gray, gray, mask = mask)
cv2.imshow("res", res)

但是当我尝试使用 16 bit.png 图片时它不起作用。我试过这段代码:
mask = np.zeros(gray.shape[:2], np.uint16)
mask[y:y+h, x:x+w] = 6535
res = cv2.bitwise_and(gray, gray, mask = mask)


res = cv2.bitwise_and(gray, gray, mask = mask) cv2.error: /home/... : error: (-215) (mtype == CV_8U || mtype == CV_8S) && _mask.sameSize(*psrc1) in function binary_op

有人知道我如何将蒙版应用于我的 16 位图像吗?


根据OpenCV documentation , mask需要为 8 位:

mask – optional operation mask, 8-bit single channel array, that specifies elements of the output array to be changed.


res = cv2.bitwise_and(gray, gray, mask = mask) cv2.error: /home/... : error: (-215) (mtype == CV_8U || mtype == CV_8S) && _mask.sameSize(*psrc1) in function binary_op

因为它告诉您掩码的日期类型需要是 8 位无符号或 8 位有符号(整数)。

mask = np.zeros(gray.shape[:2], np.uint8)
mask[y:y+h,x:x+w] = 255


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