grails - 来自一对多 Grails 域的查询返回的格式错误的对象

标签 grails grails-orm

考虑这两个 Grails domain类:

class Agreement implements Serializable {
    String code
    String branchCode

    static belongsTo = [agency: CollectingAgency]

    static mapping = {

class CollectingAgency implements Serializable {
    String type
    String agencyClass

    static hasMany = [agreement: Agreement]

    static mapping = {

现在当我执行 Agreement.findAll()它创建了一个与此类似的 sql(使用 loggingSql = true ):
select agreement0_.agency_id as agency4_67_1_, agreement0_.AGREH_CD as
    AGREH1_1_, agreement0_.AGREH_BRCHCD as AGREH2_1_,
    agreement0_.agency_id as agency4_66_0_,
from RVAGREHDROTB agreement0_
where agreement0_.agency_id=?

由于未知列(agency_id),该语句将不会执行。我想知道它从哪里得到 agency_id柱子?我还没有映射任何具有此类名称的列。

当我尝试使用 CollectingAgency.findAll() 从另一端查询时,它返回一个格式错误的 Object :
        type: "0400300",
        agencyClass: "12",
        agreement: [

是的,就像那样,使用 agreement具有左方括号的键 [但没有右括号 ] .另外,不会检索表的其他属性。

Agreement.findAll() :
        code: "1212",
        branchCode: "a014s",
        agency: {
            type: "0400300",
            agencyClass: "12",
        code: "1213",
        branchCode: "a014z",
        agency: {
            type: "0400300",
            agencyClass: "12",

CollectingAgency.findAll() :
        type: "0400300",
        agencyClass: "12",
        agreement: [
                code: "1212",
                branchCode: "a014s",
                code: "1213",
                branchCode: "a014z",



static belongsTo = [agency: CollectingAgency]

这将在您的类(class)中创建一个“机构”字段。您看到的机构 ID 只是将您的“机构”字段映射到数据库中的“机构”列。

关于grails - 来自一对多 Grails 域的查询返回的格式错误的对象,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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