带子句的 grails HQL

标签 grails hql



    from Agenda agr 
    inner join agr.agenda a with a.employee.id = :employeeId
    left join agr.employer wgr
    left join wgr.contracts cnt with agr.date >= cnt.validFrom and agr.date < cnt.ValidUntil

with-clause referenced two different from-clause elements

native SQL
left join contract cnt
    on agr.wgv_id = cnt.wgv_id
       and agr.date >= cnt.validFrom
       and agr.date < cnt.validTill

在上一个问题中,建议是使用 HQL 和 'with' 子句。这可能是一种方式吗?建议?




from Agenda agr
    inner join agr.agenda a with a.employee.id = :employeeId
    left join agr.employer wgr
    left join wgr.contracts cnt
where agr.date >= :start
    and agr.date <= :end
    and ((agr.date >= cnt.validFrom and agr.date < cnt.validTill) or agr.employer is Null)

from Agenda agr
        inner join agr.agenda a with a.employee.id = :employeeId
        left join agr.employer wgr
        left join wgr.contracts cnt with agr.date >=cnt.validFrom and agr.date < cnt.valifTill
    where agr.date >= :start
        and agr.date <= :end

关于带子句的 grails HQL,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32475219/


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