grails - 这是一个 Grails 构造函数吗

标签 grails

我继承了一些 grails 代码,并试图了解 的性质。创建 下面的方法是。它是由 拥有的 Attribute 属性的某种 grails 关键字构造函数吗?属性服务 ?我看不到 的位置创建 方法在任何地方被调用。谢谢。

class AttributeService {

    boolean transactional = false

    def uiKey2Attribute = [:]
    def internalName2Attribute = [:]

    def Attribute create(String internalName, String displayName) {
        Attribute attribute = new Attribute();
        attribute.setUiKey(internalName.replaceAll(' ', '_'))
        return attribute;



这只是服务中的一个公共(public)方法,它返回 Attribute 的新实例。应用一些规则。

搜索“attributeService”以查看它的使用位置,因为 Grails 在他的人工制品( Controller 、标签库...)上使用依赖注入(inject)。

考虑到 Controller 应该尽可能轻,只处理请求,服务是操作域类(创建、保存、删除等)的好地方,这可能是 AttributeService 所做的。

Here is the Petclinic移植到 Grails 上的 Spring 示例,也许它会帮助您理解 Controller 和服务的概念。

为了给您的探索增添一些刺激,这就是服务类在变得 groovier 时的样子:

class AttributeService {
     * This property decides whether the service class
     * is transactional by default or not
    static transactional = false

     * Grails service class is singleton by default
     * So class level variables maintain state across the requests.
     * Beware of using global variables
    def uiKey2Attribute = [:]
    def internalName2Attribute = [:]

     * You can either use def or the actual class as the return type
     * Best practice is the provide the signature of method fully typed
     * if you already know what the return type would be.
     * This is self documenting.
     * And would not confuse other developer if you use something like
     *  def create(internalName, displayName) which is valid in Groovy as well.
    Attribute create(String internalName, String displayName) {
        Attribute attribute = new Attribute()
        attribute.setUiKey(internalName.replaceAll(' ', '_'))
        //return is optional
        //last statement in a method is always returned

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