grails - 具有动态参数的Gorm finder(第2部分)?

标签 grails groovy


class AccountRecord {
     List owners // owner of this account

class IndividualRecord {
     String uniqueId
     String secondaryId
     List accounts // accounts owned by this individual
owners List类中的AccountRecord通过存储包含成对的每个所有者的uniqueId和secondaryId的映射来存储该帐户的所有所有者。因此,所有者列表可能如下所示:
[uniqueId: 1, secondaryId 2] // owner 1 
[uniqueId: 2, secondaryId 3] // owner 2

假设我要使用GORM查找所有者列表中包含 map 的所有AccountRecord,以便该 map 包含给定的IndividualRecord的uniqueId和secondaryId。基本上,给定一个个人,查找该个人拥有的所有帐户。目前,我正在执行此操作,但是它不起作用(由于某些原因,它还会退回个人不拥有的帐户):
def accountsOwnedByUser = AccountRecord.where {[uniqueId: someOwner.uniqueId, secondaryId: someOwner.secondaryId] in owners}.list()



如果没有特殊原因不使用标准gorm M:N关系,则可以这样实现:

class AccountRecord {
  static hasMany = [owners: IndividualRecord]

class IndividualRecord {

  String uniqueId
  String secundaryId

  static belongsTo = AccountRecord
  static hasMany = [accounts: AccountRecord]

Basically, given an individual, find all accounts that are owned by the individual


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