grails - 在域类之前grails @Resource Annotation

标签 grails

在Grails中创建RESTful API时,我在域类之前添加了@Resource(uri='env',formats=['multipart/form-data']。然后使用grails generate-all domain_name生成 Controller 和 View 。


The project was not built due to "RequestEnvironmentController$_on_closure51 [in [Working copy] RequestEnvironment.groovy [in test.environment.manager [in grails-app/domain [in restful-api-for-tem]]]] does not exist". Fix the problem, then try refreshing this project and building it since it may be inconsistent.



使用@Resource批注时,无需创建 Controller ,因为它将根据documentation自动生成

Simply by adding the Resource transformation and specifying a URI, your domain class will automatically be available as a REST resource in either XML or JSON formats. The transformation will automatically register the necessary RESTful URL mapping and create a controller called BookController.

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