grails - grails v3.2.6/gorm嵌入式类在同一域类中。groovy创建虚拟数据库表

标签 grails gorm

在grails / gorms文档中,它说您可以将嵌入式类与顶级父域类放在同一个域类文件中-从代码 Angular 来看,它可以工作,但仍会生成GeoAddress表,并将列嵌入源中 field 表。测试数据已在会场输入-geoAddress表保持为空。

文档暗示不应生成此嵌入式表。我可以尝试将GeoAddress移到其自己的src / groovy文件中,因此将其移出grails-app / domain文件夹,但是然后我必须“记住我已经这样做”。与包含类一起保存在同一文件中会更加“干净”。


我在grails-app / domain文件夹中的venue.groovy

class Venue {

    String name
    LocalDate dateCreated
    LocalDate lastVisited
    LocalDate lastUpdated
    GeoAddress location
    Collection posts

    static hasMany = [posts:Post]           
    static embedded =['location']

    static constraints = {
        lastVisited nullable:true
        location    nullable:true, unique:true
        posts       nullable:true
    static mapping = {
        location cascade: "all-delete-orphan", lazy:false, unique:true 
         posts    sorted: "desc", cascade:"save-update"


class   GeoAddress {

    String addressLine1
    String addressLine2
    String addressLine3
    String town
    String county
    String country = "UK"
    String postcode

    //adds addTo/removeFrom methods to venue
    static belongsTo = Venue

    static constraints = {
        addressLine1 nullable:true
        addressLine2 nullable:true
        addressLine3 nullable:true
        town         nullable:true
        county       nullable:true
        country      nullable:true
        postcode     nullable:true



我不得不将GeoLoction设置为侧面 field 中的静态内部类。当您执行此操作并运行该应用程序时,您不会在数据库中获得额外的虚假域表。它必须是静态内部类,因为GeoLocation具有用于约束的静态声明。


If you define the Address class in a separate Groovy file in the grails-app/domain directory you will also get an address table. If you don’t want this to happen use Groovy’s ability to define multiple classes per file and include the Address class below the Person class in the grails-app/domain/Person.groovy file

修改后的类如下所示。当您想创建其中一种格式时(对于bootstrap / tests)看起来像新的Venue.GeoLocation(...)
class Venue implements Serializable {

    String name
    LocalDate dateCreated
    LocalDate lastVisited
    LocalDate lastUpdated
    GeoAddress location
    Collection posts

    //static hasOne = [location:GeoAddress]   //, temp:TempLocation
    static hasMany = [posts:Post]           //but doesn't really own thats with user
    static embedded =['location']

    static constraints = {
        lastVisited nullable:true
        location    nullable:true, unique:true
        posts       nullable:true
    static mapping = {
        location cascade: "all-delete-orphan", lazy:false, unique:true  //eager fetch strategy
        posts    sorted: "desc", cascade:"save-update"

        //comment out for now
        //posts joinTable: [name:"venue_posts", key:"venue_id", column:"posts", type:Post]

    static class GeoAddress {

        String addressLine1
        String addressLine2
        String addressLine3
        String town
        String county
        String country = "UK"
        String postcode

        //adds addTo/removeFrom methods to venue
        static belongsTo = Venue

        static constraints = {
            addressLine1 nullable:true
            addressLine2 nullable:true
            addressLine3 nullable:true
            town         nullable:true
            county       nullable:true
            country      nullable:true
            postcode     nullable:true,
                    matches: /^([gG][iI][rR] {0,}0[aA]{2})|([a-pr-uwyzA-PR-UWYZ](([0-9](([0-9]|[a-hjkstuwA-HJKSTUW])?)?)|([a-hk-yA-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9]|[abehmnprvwxyABEHMNPRVWXY])?)) ?[0-9][abd-hjlnp-uw-zABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})$/

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