在 Ubuntu 上运行应用程序时出现 Grails 依赖错误

标签 grails ubuntu

尝试在 Ubuntu (8) 上运行带有 grails 2.0.3 的应用程序时遇到以下问题,该应用程序在 OS X 上运行良好:

:: problems summary ::
    ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
    :: org.grails.plugins#resources;1.1.6: configuration not found in org.grails.plugins#resources;1.1.6: 'master'. It was required from org.grails.plugins#jquery-mobile;1.0.3 compile

:: problems summary ::
    ::          UNRESOLVED DEPENDENCIES         ::
    :: org.grails.plugins#resources;1.1.6: configuration not found in org.grails.plugins#resources;1.1.6: 'master'. It was required from org.grails.plugins#jquery-mobile;1.0.3 compile

| Error Failed to resolve dependencies (Set log level to 'warn' in BuildConfig.groovy for more information):

- org.grails.plugins:resources:latest.integration



遇到类似问题时,我从 application.properties 中删除了所有插件,并在插件之后添加插件(每次服务器重新启动)。

关于在 Ubuntu 上运行应用程序时出现 Grails 依赖错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10064115/


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