grails - 贝壳和瓶盖

标签 grails groovy

尝试在grails console中运行以下命令:

Family.where() {password =~ "%qw%"}

    ERROR groovy.lang.MissingMethodException:
No signature of method: com.babyboom.Family.where() is applicable for argument types: (groovysh_evaluate$_run_closure1) values: [groovysh_evaluate$_run_closure1@34356294]
Possible solutions: where(groovy.lang.Closure), merge(), every(), grep(), merge(com.babyboom.Family), merge(java.util.Map)

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    这可能是带有grails shell 的classloader错误。要重现,请向BuildConfig.gradle添加依赖项:

    runtime "org.grails:grails-datastore-simple:3.1.2.RELEASE"

    import org.grails.datastore.mapping.simple.SimpleMapDatastore
    import org.grails.datastore.gorm.GormStaticApi
    class Bar {}
    class Foo extends GormStaticApi<Bar> {
        Foo() {
            super(Bar, new SimpleMapDatastore(), [], null)
    def f = new Foo()

    Result: Foo@699c0395

    groovy:000> def f = new Foo()
    ERROR java.lang.LinkageError:
    loader constraint violation: when resolving overridden method "Foo.$getStaticMetaClass()Lgroovy/lang/MetaClass;" the class loader (instance of groovy/lang/GroovyClassLoader$InnerLoader) of the current class, Foo, and its superclass loader (instance of org/codehaus/groovy/grails/cli/support/GrailsRootLoader), have different Class objects for the type ()Lgroovy/lang/MetaClass; used in the signature

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