hibernate - Grails Spring Security查询没有特定角色的用户

标签 hibernate grails spring-security gorm

使用Grails spring security REST(本身使用Grails Spring Security Core),我生成了UserRoleUserRole类。


class User extends DomainBase{

    transient springSecurityService

    String username
    String password
    String firstName
    String lastNameOrTitle
    String email
    boolean showEmail
    String phoneNumber
    boolean enabled = true
    boolean accountExpired
    boolean accountLocked
    boolean passwordExpired

    static transients = ['springSecurityService']

    static hasMany = [
            roles: Role,
            ratings: Rating,
            favorites: Favorite

    static constraints = {
        username blank: false, unique: true
        password blank: false
        firstName nullable: true, blank: false
        lastNameOrTitle nullable: false, blank: false
        email nullable: false, blank: false
        phoneNumber nullable: true

    static mapping = {
        DomainUtil.inheritDomainMappingFrom(DomainBase, delegate)
        id column: 'user_id', generator: 'sequence', params: [sequence: 'user_seq']
        username column: 'username'
        password column: 'password'
        enabled column: 'enabled'
        accountExpired column: 'account_expired'
        accountLocked column: 'account_locked'
        passwordExpired column: 'password_expired'
        roles joinTable: [
                name: 'user_role',
                column: 'role_id',
                key: 'user_id']

    Set<Role> getAuthorities() {
//        UserRole.findAllByUser(this).collect { it.role }
//        userRoles.collect { it.role }

    def beforeInsert() {

    def beforeUpdate() {
        if (isDirty('password')) {

    protected void encodePassword() {
        password = springSecurityService?.passwordEncoder ? springSecurityService.encodePassword(password) : password

class Role {

    String authority

    static mapping = {
        cache true
        id column: 'role_id', generator: 'sequence', params: [sequence: 'role_seq']
        authority column: 'authority'

    static constraints = {
        authority blank: false, unique: true

class UserRole implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1

    static belongsTo = [
            user: User,
            role: Role
//    User user
//    Role role

    boolean equals(other) {
        if (!(other instanceof UserRole)) {
            return false

        other.user?.id == user?.id &&
                other.role?.id == role?.id

    int hashCode() {
        def builder = new HashCodeBuilder()
        if (user) builder.append(user.id)
        if (role) builder.append(role.id)

    static UserRole get(long userId, long roleId) {
        UserRole.where {
            user == User.load(userId) &&
                    role == Role.load(roleId)

    static boolean exists(long userId, long roleId) {
        UserRole.where {
            user == User.load(userId) &&
                    role == Role.load(roleId)
        }.count() > 0

    static UserRole create(User user, Role role, boolean flush = false) {
        def instance = new UserRole(user: user, role: role)
        instance.save(flush: flush, insert: true)

    static boolean remove(User u, Role r, boolean flush = false) {
        if (u == null || r == null) return false

        int rowCount = UserRole.where {
            user == User.load(u.id) &&
                    role == Role.load(r.id)

        if (flush) {
            UserRole.withSession { it.flush() }

        rowCount > 0

    static void removeAll(User u, boolean flush = false) {
        if (u == null) return

        UserRole.where {
            user == User.load(u.id)

        if (flush) {
            UserRole.withSession { it.flush() }

    static void removeAll(Role r, boolean flush = false) {
        if (r == null) return

        UserRole.where {
            role == Role.load(r.id)

        if (flush) {
            UserRole.withSession { it.flush() }

    static constraints = {
        role validator: { Role r, UserRole ur ->
            if (ur.user == null) return
            boolean existing = false
            UserRole.withNewSession {
                existing = UserRole.exists(ur.user.id, r.id)
            if (existing) {
                return 'userRole.exists'

    static mapping = {
        id composite: ['role', 'user']
        version false


从上面的代码可以看出,我已经稍微修改了默认生成的代码,并在joinTable类中添加了User而不是hasMany: [roles:UserRole]或将其保留为默认值而不引用任何角色。进行此更改的原因是因为查询UserRole时,偶尔会出现重复,这会使分页变得很困难。

def rolesToIgnore = ["ROLE_ADMIN"]
def userIdsWithGivenRoles = User.createCriteria().list() {
    projections {
        property "id"
    roles {
        'in' "authority", rolesToIgnore

def usersWithoutGivenRoles = User.createCriteria().list(max: 10, offset: 0) {
    not {
        'in' "id", userIdsWithGivenRoles



  • joinTable对我来说似乎“很讨厌”。当我已经有一个特定的类joinTable时,为什么要使用UserRole,但是该类很难查询,即使我只需要Role,我也担心为每个找到的User映射User可能会产生开销。
  • 两个查询,只有第二个可以分页。

  • 所以我的问题是:




    class UserRole implements Serializable {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1
        User user
        Role role

    def rolesToIgnore = ["ROLE_ADMIN"]
    def userIdsWithGivenRoles = UserRole.where {
        role.authority in rolesToIgnore
    }.list().collect { it.user.id }.unique()
    def userIdsWithoutGivenRoles = UserRole.where {
        !(role.authority in rolesToIgnore)
    }.list().collect { it.user.id }.unique()


    SELECT DISTINCT ur.user_id
    FROM    user_role AS ur INNER JOIN role AS r
            ON ur.authority_id = r.id
    WHERE   r.authority IN ('ROLE_ADMIN');
    SELECT DISTINCT ur.user_id
    FROM    user_role AS ur INNER JOIN role AS r
            ON ur.authority_id = r.id
    WHERE   r.authority NOT IN ('ROLE_ADMIN');

    关于hibernate - Grails Spring Security查询没有特定角色的用户,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31903787/


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