grails - Grails Spring Security:GSP中基于用户的if/else逻辑

标签 grails spring-security taglib

我确信必须有一种基于用户信息在GSP中实现if / else逻辑块的更优雅的方法。


<g:if test="(user logged in) && (this users post) && (post replied to)">
    Show options for this post if replied to
<g:elseif test="(user logged in) && (this users post)">
    show options if this users post
<g:elseif test="(user logged in)">
    show options if not this users post
    show options if no one is logged in

我不能使用漂亮的Spring Security标记,因为它们不能满足我的要求,并且我试图实现自定义标记,但是将无法实现if / else功能(或者可以)吗?


<g:isOwnerAndStatusEquals post="${post}" status="${Post.REPLIED_TO}">
     My post and is replied to

Tag lib的实现:
 class AuthTagLib {

     def springSecurityService

     def isOwnerAndStatusEquals = { attrs, body ->
         def loggedInUser = springSecurityService.currentUser
         def post = attrs?.post
         def postUser = post?.user
         def postStatus = attrs?.status

         if(loggedInUser?.id == postUser?.id && job?.status?.equals(thisStatus)) {
             out << body()

上面的内容很好,但我不知道如何在同一个标​​签中添加if / else?



  <g:if test="(this users post) && (post replied to)">
    Show options for this post if replied to
  <g:elseif test="(this users post)">
    show options if this users post
    show options if not this users post
  show options if no one is logged in

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