unit-testing - 测试使用请求对象的自定义Grails TagLib方法

标签 unit-testing grails mocking httprequest taglib



import com.company.group.application.helper.Util
class MyTagLib {
    static namespace = 'mytag'
    def util
    def addJsFile = {
        if (util.isSecureRequest(request)) {
            out << '<script src="https://domain.com/jsfile.js"></script>'
        } else {
            out << '<script src="http://domain.com/jsfile.js"></script>'

import org.springframework.http.HttpRequest
import com.company.group.application.helper.Util

class MyTagLibTests {
    def util
    void testAddJsFileSecure() {
        def mockUtil = mockFor(Util)
        mockUtil.demand.isSecureRequest() { HttpRequest request -> true }
        def jsCall = applyTemplate('<mytag:addJsFile />')
        assertEquals('<script src="https://domain.com/jsfile.js"></script>', jsCall)
    void testAddJsFileNotSecure() {
        def mockUtil = mockFor(Util)
        mockUtil.demand.isSecureRequest() { HttpRequest request -> false }
        def jsCall = applyTemplate('<mytag:addJsFile/>')
        assertEquals('<script src="http://domain.com/jsfile.js"></script>', jsCall)

boolean isSecureRequest(request) {
    return [true or false]

org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.taglib.exceptions.GrailsTagException: Error executing tag <mytag:addJsFile>: Cannot invoke method isSecureRequest() on null object



void testAddJsFileSecure() {
    def mockUtilControl = mockFor(Util)
    mockUtilControl.demand.isSecureRequest() { HttpRequest request -> true }

    //"tagLib" is the default bind object provided 
    //by the mock api when @TestFor is used
    tagLib.util = mockUtilControl.createMock()

    //Also note mockFor() returns a mock control 
    //which on createMock() gives the actual mocked object

    def jsCall = applyTemplate('<mytag:addJsFile />')
    assertEquals('<script src="https://domain.com/jsfile.js"></script>', jsCall)

    //In the end of test you can also verify that the mocked object was called

然后,您将不需要在测试中使用def util

关于unit-testing - 测试使用请求对象的自定义Grails TagLib方法,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18283044/


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