maven - 尝试执行时出现 Oozie 错误 "bin/ -DskipTests"

标签 maven hadoop oozie

尝试按照 安装 oozie 4.0.1
hadoop 版本 - 2.4.0
maven - 3.0.4
sqoop - 1.4.4

尝试执行“bin/ -DskipTests”时,构建失败

[信息] Apache Oozie HCatalog 库 ................................ 成功 [0.399s]
[信息] Apache Oozie Core ................................失败 [7.819s]
[信息] Apache Oozie 文档 ................................ 已跳过
[错误] 无法在项目 oozie-core 上执行目标:无法解析项目 org.apache.oozie:oozie-core:jar:4.0.0 的依赖项:无法解析以下 Artifact :org.apache.oozie:oozie -hadoop-test:jar:2.4.0.oozie-4.0.0, org.apache.oozie:oozie-hadoop:jar:2.4.0.oozie-4.0.0, org.apache.oozie:oozie-sharelib-oozie :jar:4.0.0-cdh5.0.2,org.apache.oozie:oozie-sharelib-hcatalog:jar:4.0.0-cdh5.0.2:找不到org.apache.oozie:oozie-hadoop-test:jar: htp:// 中的 2.4.0.oozie-4.0.0 已缓存在本地存储库中,直到中心更新间隔已过或强制更新时才会重新尝试解析 -> [帮助 1 ]
[错误] 要查看错误的完整堆栈跟踪,请使用 -e 开关重新运行 Maven。
[错误] 使用 -X 开关重新运行 Maven 以启用完整的调试日志记录。
[错误] 有关错误和可能的解决方案的更多信息,请阅读以下文章:
[错误] [帮助 1] htp://
[错误] 更正问题后,您可以使用命令
恢复构建 [错误] mvn -rf :oozie-core

有人尝试过 oozie4.0.1 和 hadoop 2.4.0 吗?我该如何解决这个问题?




STEP 1 : Extract the tar file using tar -xvf oozie-4.0.1.tar.gz
STEP 2 : Change the name oozie-4.0.1 to oozie using below command.
mv oozie-4.0.1 oozie
STEP 3 : Move to oozie/bin directory using cd oozie/bin Build oozie for 
             Hadoop-2.2 using below command. -DskipTests Dhadoopversion=2
             Before build oozie we must change versions for java, hive pig, 
             sqoop in pom.xml file.
                    Java   - 1.7
                    Hive    - 0.13.0
                    Pig      - 0.12.1
                    Sqoop - 1.4.3

        Eg : <javaVersion>1.7</javaVersion>
             If build is success you will get the message like 
             Oozie distro created, DATE[2014.01.05-18:55:14GMT] VC-  
               REV[unavailable], available at 
             Now use the expanded oozie located in   
STEP 4 : Create a libext directory in expanded oozie and copy the 
             Hadoop-2.2.0 jar files and extjs zip file to libext directory.
STEP 5 : Set this property in Hadoop core-site.xml file.
        Eg : <property>
             Set this property in oozie-site.xml file located in conf directory
              By default it is false change it to true

Step 6 : Now prepare a oozie war file. So move to expanded oozie/bin 
             and run the below command. 
./ prepare-war
             If you get any error like zip: command not found then install 
             zip using following command sudo apt-get install zip
            Then again run the prepare-war command to create a file. if the
             war file created successfully you will get the message like 
                  INFO: Oozie is ready to be started
Step 7 : upload the share lib folder from expanded oozie to hdfs using the
            below command
./ sharelib create -fs hdfs://localhost:8020
Step 8 : Create a database for oozie using the command 
./ db create –run
              If database created then you will get the message like
Validate DB Connection 
Check DB schema does not exist 
Check OOZIE_SYS table does not exist 
Create SQL schema 
Create OOZIE_SYS table 
Oozie DB has been created for Oozie version ’4.0.0′
Step 9 : Start the oozie using ./ start

Step 10 : Check status of oozie using the below command
              ./oozie admin –oozie http://localhost:11000/oozie -status
              You will get the message like System mode: NORMAL

Issues Faced with this installation
1.  While building hive-0.13.0 share library of Oozie, there is an unsolvable dependency ‘hive-builtins’. 
Cause: Hive-builtins jar is necessary in hive-0.10.0 but in hive-0.13.0 there is no hive-builtins.jar.
Solution: Removed dependency hive-builtins
2.  While building Oozie, we faced issue with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
Cause: This error signals that the JVM running Maven has run out of memory. It is caused by maven-compiler-plugin
Solution: Edited a maven-compiler-plugin property
Fork allows running the compiler in a separate process. If false it uses the built in compiler, while if true it will use an executable.

Finally we made a Oozie bulid, with above versions of  Hadoop-ecosystems.

关于maven - 尝试执行时出现 Oozie 错误 "bin/ -DskipTests",我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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