ssh - 检查 ssh 连接不工作,但允许 ssh 连接

标签 ssh ssh-keys openssh inspec


我测试了 ssh 连接:

ssh -i $HOME/key.pem centos@server_ip_address

inspec exec ntp/test/integration/ntp.rb -t ssh://centos@server_ip_address -i /home/centos/key.pem

I, [2017-01-17T14:10:32.835995 #2416]  INFO -- : [SSH] connection failed, retrying in 1 seconds (#<Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user centos@server_ip_address>)
I, [2017-01-17T14:10:34.619150 #2416]  INFO -- : [SSH] connection failed, retrying in 1 seconds (#<Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user centos@server_ip_address>)
I, [2017-01-17T14:10:36.403860 #2416]  INFO -- : [SSH] connection failed, retrying in 1 seconds (#<Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user centos@server_ip_address>)
I, [2017-01-17T14:10:38.188401 #2416]  INFO -- : [SSH] connection failed, retrying in 1 seconds (#<Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user centos@server_ip_address>)
W, [2017-01-17T14:10:39.971832 #2416]  WARN -- : [SSH] connection failed, terminating (#<Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user centos@server_ip_address>)
Transport error, can't connect to 'ssh' backend: SSH session could not be established


chef gem list | grep inspec

inspec (1.9.0, 1.7.2)


好吧,我花了整个上午和下午的部分时间搜索,我找到了解决方案 here


eval "$(ssh-agent)"

然后将我的 key 添加到代理:
ssh-add key.pem

所以现在我可以在不执行 key 的情况下运行 inspec 测试:
inspec exec cookbooks/ntp/test/integration/default/ -t ssh://centos@server_ip_address

好的,这是部分解决方案,因为我仍在寻找使用 -i并使用 key 作为参数。问题仍然存在。

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