grails - grails 中的编码和解码如何使用grails 中的decodeHTML 和encodeAsHTML 进行?

标签 grails groovy grails-2.0

我试图了解如何使用decodeHTML 和encodeAsHTML 在grails 中进行编码和解码

//解码 示例是

List symbols = ['!', '*', '/']
symbols.each { String symbol ->
    println symbol.decodeHTML()


!    // but it prints !
*   // but it prints *
/   // but it prints /


List symbols = ['!', '*', '/']
symbols.each { String symbol ->
    println symbol.encodeAsHTML()


'!'  // but it prints !
'*'  // but it prints *
'/'  // but it prints /


escapeAsHtml 最终在 apache commons lang 中调用 StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml


Escapes the characters in a String using HTML entities.

For example:

"bread" & "butter"

becomes: "bread" & "butter".

Supports all known HTML 4.0 entities, including funky accents. Note that the commonly used apostrophe escape character (') is not a legal entity and so is not supported).

它不会将所有字符转换为其实体值,因此 !*/ 等内容保持原样。下面是 Groovy 中的一个示例:

@Grab( 'commons-lang:commons-lang:2.6' )
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml

'!@£$%^&*()_+€-={}[]:"|;\'\\<>?,./~'.each {
    println "$it -> ${escapeHtml( it )}"


! -> !
@ -> @
£ -> &pound;
$ -> $
% -> %
^ -> ^
& -> &amp;
* -> *
( -> (
) -> )
_ -> _
+ -> +
€ -> &euro;
- -> -
= -> =
{ -> {
} -> }
[ -> [
] -> ]
: -> :
" -> &quot;
| -> |
; -> ;
' -> '
\ -> \
< -> &lt;
> -> &gt;
? -> ?
, -> ,
. -> .
/ -> /
~ -> ~

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