, insert:true) 与 .save(flush:true) 有何不同

标签 grails insert spring-security save flush

在spring security生成类UserRoleSecUserSecRole (你可以随便叫它)有一个命令可以创建 new UserRole()并用 .save(flush:flush, insert:true) 保存它

这意味着什么?它与 .save(flush:true) 有何不同?


来自 Grails docs :

insert (optional) - When set to true will force Hibernate to do a SQL INSERT, this is useful in certain situations when legacy databases (such as AS/400) are involved and Hibernate cannot detect whether to do an INSERT or an UPDATE

关于, insert:true) 与 .save(flush:true) 有何不同,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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