gradle - kotlin-bom库做什么?

标签 gradle kotlin

我在Gradle下创建了一个新的Kotlin项目。默认情况下,它将依赖关系设置为Kotlin-library项目。而且我想知道 kotlin-bom lib的作用是什么?

dependencies {
    // Align versions of all Kotlin components

    // Use the Kotlin JDK 8 standard library.

    // Use the Kotlin test library.

    // Use the Kotlin JUnit integration.


kotlin-bom工件是仅依赖项的POM,它将所有Kotlin SDK库与相同版本对齐。

有关示例,请参见the POM content for version 1.3.72。它使用POM的dependencyManagement部分来依赖所有Kotlin SDK工件的相同版本,例如kotlin-stdlibkotlin-stdlib-jdk8kotlin-reflectkotlin-test等。


Software bill of materials (BOMs) don’t specify a dependency on a module or file, but instead are a list of version constraints for other components. They define what is called a platform, which is basically a list of components with specific versions that are known to play well together and/or form a useful unit of functionality. It’s worth mentioning that not all of the dependencies listed in the BOM actually have to be included in your projects — it’s basically a way of saying “If you use any of these modules, use this version”.
-- A deep dive into an initial Kotlin build.gradle.kts

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