android - Kotlin 协程 - 优雅地处理来自挂起函数的错误

标签 android kotlin error-handling try-catch kotlin-coroutines


suspend fun findById(id: Long): User? {
    throw Exception("my exception") // intentionally throwing to simulate error situation.
    return userModel.findById(id) // IO, may throw an error
调用程序,使用 IO 线程启动
GlobalScope.launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
    try {

        var userAsync: Deferred<User?>? = null
        arguments?.getLong("id")?.let {
            userAsync = async { viewModel?.findById(it) } // async for efficiency as i've other async methods too.

        val data = userAsync?.await()

        withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
            user = data // data binding, populating UI fields of user
    } catch (exception: Exception) {
        withContext(Dispatchers.Main) { fault(exception) }
private fun fault(exception: Exception) {
    Log.d("User", "fault: ${exception.localizedMessage}") // expecting output

尝试 2
尝试将 try catch 放在异步 block 中,但它不喜欢它。
var userAsync: Deferred<UserVO?>? = null
arguments?.getLong("id")?.let {
    userAsync = async {
        try {
        } catch (e: Exception) {


我会使用 CoroutineExceptionHandler让你的协程优雅地失败:
1) 定义处理程序:

val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { context, error ->
    // Do what you want with the error
    Log.d(TAG, error)
2) 重构您的 findById 函数以在 IO 上下文中执行并使您的 ui 代码主要安全:
suspend fun findById(id : Int) : User? = withContext(Dispatchers.IO){
        0 -> throw Exception("not valid")
        else -> return@withContext User(id)
  • MainScope 内开始您的工作(因此更新 ui),传递 exceptionHandler 以启动协程生成器以捕获异常:

  • val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, error ->
         // Do what you want with the error
        Log.d(TAG, error)
    MainScope().launch(exceptionHandler) {
         val user = delegate?.findById(userId)
            user?.let {

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