inheritance - 在列表上下文中使用kotlin类扩展时,解析父类的值而不是子类的值

标签 inheritance kotlin class-extensions


我希望下面代码中的第16行返回“ext-thing-thing”,但即使b [1]中的实例肯定是ExtSpecialThing类型,它也确实会返回“ext-thing”。


tl; dr:第16行失败...为什么?

import kotlin.test.*

fun main (args : Array<String>) {
    assertEquals("ext-special-thing", ExtSpecialThing().prop)

    var a = listOf(ImplThing(), ImplSpecialThing())
    assertTrue(a[0] is ImplThing)
    assertTrue(a[1] is ImplSpecialThing)
    assertEquals("impl-thing",         a[0].prop)
    assertEquals("impl-special-thing", a[1].prop)

    var b = listOf(ExtThing(), ExtSpecialThing())
    assertTrue(b[0] is ExtThing)
    assertTrue(b[1] is ExtSpecialThing)
    assertEquals("ext-thing",         b[0].prop)
    assertEquals("ext-special-thing", b[1].prop) // fails ... why?

// ======================================
open class ImplThing () {
    open val prop : String = "impl-thing"
class ImplSpecialThing : ImplThing() {
    override val prop : String = "impl-special-thing"

// -------------------------------------
open class ExtThing () {}
class ExtSpecialThing : ExtThing () {}

val ExtThing.prop : String get() = "ext-thing"
val ExtSpecialThing.prop : String get() = "ext-special-thing"



We would like to emphasize that extension functions are dispatched statically, i.e. they are not virtual by receiver type. This means that the extension function being called is determined by the type of the expression on which the function is invoked, not by the type of the result of evaluating that expression at runtime.

assertEquals("ext-special-thing", (b[1] as ExtSpecialThing).prop) 

关于inheritance - 在列表上下文中使用kotlin类扩展时,解析父类的值而不是子类的值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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