maven - 如何将 "--add-exports"编译器指令添加到 Maven 编译中

标签 maven kotlin java-11 java-platform-module-system

使用 Java 11 编译时出现以下错误。

Symbol is declared in module 'java.xml' which does not export package ''
Symbol is declared in module 'java.base' which does not export package ''
Symbol is declared in module 'java.base' which does not export package ''
Symbol is declared in module 'java.xml' which does not export package ''
Symbol is declared in module 'java.xml' which does not export package ''
Symbol is declared in module 'java.xml' which does not export package ''
Symbol is declared in module 'java.xml' which does not export package ''
Symbol is declared in module 'java.xml' which does not export package ''

我需要在 Java 编译中指定 --add-exports 指令。 我不知道如何将它添加到我的 Maven 构建编译 Kotlin 代码中。

此外,我不确定 --add-exports 的确切值。


    <!-- Kotlin compilation -->
            <!-- Bundle a standalone JAR -->

    <!-- Attempt to specify --add-export -->


解决方案是使用内部 API 在每个源文件的开头包含注释。


发现此注释的原因是 this thread on Kotlin support forum .

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