android - Android 房间交易如何完成返回

标签 android kotlin android-room android-architecture-components


我有保存一些配置的 dao 接口(interface):

@Dao interface ConfigDao {
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    fun insert(config: Config)

    @Update(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    fun update(config: Config)

    @Query("select * from T_CONFIG where isSelected = :isSelected")
    fun getConfig(isSelected: Boolean): Single<Config>

    @Query("select * from t_config")
    fun getConfigAll(): LiveData<MutableList<Config>>

    @Query("update T_CONFIG set isSelected = :isSelected where idEnvironment = :id")
    fun updateConfigById(id: String, isSelected: Boolean):Completable

    fun updateConfigTransaction(configSelected: Config){

        if (configSelected.idEnvironment == Environtment.Type.PRD.toString()){
            updateConfigById(Environtment.Type.PRD.toString(), false)
            updateConfigById(Environtment.Type.DEV.toString(), true)
            updateConfigById(Environtment.Type.PRD.toString(), true)
            updateConfigById(Environtment.Type.DEV.toString(), false)

我需要知道交易何时完成(成功或错误)。 我尝试从 io.reactivex 实现 Completable,但这是不可能的。


自房间 2.1.0 起

Additional Async Support: DAO methods annotated with @Insert, @Delete or @Update, along with @Query containing INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE statements, now support Rx return types Completable, Single, Maybe, and Guava's return type ListenableFuture, and they can also be suspend functions.



将接口(interface)更改为抽象类。您必须在所有没有实现的方法前加上abstract 前缀。然后:

abstract class ConfigDao(private val db: MyDatabase) {

    private val scheduler = Schedulers.from(db.queryExecutor)

    // Make sure the method is open so Room can generate the transaction handling code.
    open fun updateConfigTransaction(configSelected: Config){
        // ...

    fun updateConfigTransactionAsync(configSelected: config): Completable {
        return Completable
            .fromAction { updateConfigTransaction(config) }

subscribeOn(db.queryExecutor) 确保查询与返回 RxJava 类型的所有其他 DAO 方法在同一线程上运行。将 MyDatabase 构造函数参数替换为您的数据库类。

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