kubernetes - Prometheus没有收集Pod指标

标签 kubernetes monitoring grafana prometheus pod


当我打开仪表板时,没有获得有关pod CPU使用率的数据。

当我检查Prometheus UI时,它将Pod 0/0向上显示,但是群集中有许多Pod正在运行。


enter image description here


I0218 14:52:42.595711       1 builder.go:112] Active collectors: configmaps,cronjobs,daemonsets,deployments,endpoints,horizontalpodautoscalers,jobs,limitranges,namespaces,nodes,persistentvolumeclaims,persistentvolumes,poddisruptionbudgets,pods,replicasets,replicationcontrollers,resourcequotas,secrets,services,statefulsets
I0218 14:52:42.595735       1 main.go:208] Starting metrics server:





ok, i found something interesting in the values.yaml comments, prometheus.io/scrape: Only scrape pods that have a value of true, when i remove this relabel_config in k8s configmap, i got the data in prometheus ui.. unfortunately k8s configmap doesn't have comments, i believe helm will remove the comments before deploying it.


kube-state-metrics vs. metrics-server

The metrics-server is a project that has been inspired by Heapster and is implemented to serve the goals of the Kubernetes Monitoring Pipeline. It is a cluster level component which periodically scrapes metrics from all Kubernetes nodes served by Kubelet through Summary API. The metrics are aggregated, stored in memory and served in Metrics API format. The metric-server stores the latest values only and is not responsible for forwarding metrics to third-party destinations.

kube-state-metrics is focused on generating completely new metrics from Kubernetes' object state (e.g. metrics based on deployments, replica sets, etc.). It holds an entire snapshot of Kubernetes state in memory and continuously generates new metrics based off of it. And just like the metric-server it too is not responsibile for exporting its metrics anywhere.

Having kube-state-metrics as a separate project also enables access to these metrics from monitoring systems such as Prometheus.

关于kubernetes - Prometheus没有收集Pod指标,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54749175/


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