kubernetes - 广告连播优先级和优先级

标签 kubernetes

我正在阅读有关Pod Priority and Preemption的信息,我心中有一个疑问。

假设A是优先级较高的Pod,B是较低优先级的Pod。 B已经在运行,A出现了,现在必须进行逐出。请注意,B是JOB类型。我想问一下,如果B被驱逐了。以后会重新安排吗?



If a pending Pod has inter-pod affinity to one or more of the lower-priority Pods on the Node, the inter-Pod affinity rule cannot be satisfied in the absence of those lower-priority Pods. In this case, the scheduler does not preempt any Pods on the Node. Instead, it looks for another Node. The scheduler might find a suitable Node or it might not. There is no guarantee that the pending Pod can be scheduled

关于kubernetes - 广告连播优先级和优先级,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51924683/


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