c++ - 变量或字段 'name of var'声明为void

标签 c++ class compiler-errors header-files


#include <cstring>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string>

class thinking_cap
      void slots(char new_green[], char new_red[]);
      void push_green() const;
      void push_red() const;

 char green_string[50];
 char red_string[50];

////////  thinker.cpp
  #include <iostream>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include "thinker.h"

 int main( ) 
    thinking_cap student;
    thinking_cap fan;
    student.slots( "Hello",  "Goodbye");
    fan.slots( "Go Cougars!", "Boo!");
    student.push_green( );
    fan.push_green( );
   student.push_red( );
   return 0;

 void thinking_cap::slots(char new_green[ ], char new_red[ ])
   assert(strlen(new_green) < 50);
   assert(strlen(new_red) < 50);
   strcpy(green_string,  new_green);
   strcpy(red_string, new_red);
void thinking_cap::push_green 
   cout << green_string << endl;
 void thinking_cap::push_red 
   cout << red_string << endl;



void thinking_cap::push_green() const
    cout << green_string << endl;
void thinking_cap::push_red () const
    cout << red_string << endl;

关于c++ - 变量或字段 'name of var'声明为void,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42477372/


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