
标签 c++ xcode class compiler-errors undefined



现在我有一个非常简单的头文件 main.h :

namespace linkedlistofclasses {
    class Node {
            Node(int value, Node *next);
            //Constructor to initialize a node

            int getData() const;
            //Retrieve value for this node

            Node *getLink() const;
            //Retrieve next Node in the list

            void setData(int value);
            //Use to modify the value stored in the list

            void setLink(Node *next);
            //Use to change the reference to the next node

            int data;
            Node *link;

    typedef Node* NodePtr;

#include <iostream>
#include "main.h"

using namespace std;
using namespace linkedlistofclasses;

void head_insert(NodePtr &head, int the_number) {

    NodePtr temp_ptr;
    //The constructor sets temp_ptr->link to head and
    //sets the data value to the_number

    temp_ptr = new Node(the_number, head);
    head = temp_ptr;

int main() {

    NodePtr head, temp;

    //Create a list of nodes 4->3->2->1->0
    head = new Node(0, NULL);

    for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
        head_insert(head, i);

    //Iterate through the list and display each value 
    temp = head;
    while (temp !=NULL) {
        cout << temp->getData() << endl;
        temp = temp->getLink();

    //Delete all nodes in the list before exiting
    //the program.
    temp = head;
    while (temp !=NULL) {
        NodePtr nodeToDelete = temp;
        temp = temp->getLink();
        delete nodeToDelete;

    return 0;

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "linkedlistofclasses::Node::Node(int, linkedlistofclasses::Node*)", referenced from:
      head_insert(linkedlistofclasses::Node*&, int) in main.o
      _main in main.o
  "linkedlistofclasses::Node::getData() const", referenced from:
      _main in main.o
  "linkedlistofclasses::Node::getLink() const", referenced from:
      _main in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

如果我在不使用类的情况下运行代码,则将所有内容写入源文件 main.cpp , 没有问题。



Node(int value, Node *next);
//Constructor to initialize a node

int getData() const;
//Retrieve value for this node

Node *getLink() const;
//Retrieve next Node in the list

void setData(int value);
//Use to modify the value stored in the list

void setLink(Node *next);
//Use to change the reference to the next node

其中允许包含的人main.h 看到的存在|类链接列表::节点 ,以及它的公众 成员。这样,您就可以调用它们,例如,从 main() 函数 .

但是,as they are simply declared and not defined ,这会在以后引发问题:
**Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"linkedlistofclasses::Node::Node(int, linkedlistofclasses::Node*)", referenced from:
  head_insert(linkedlistofclasses::Node*&, int) in main.o
  _main in main.o
"linkedlistofclasses::Node::getData() const", referenced from:
  _main in main.o
"linkedlistofclasses::Node::getLink() const", referenced from:
  _main in main.o**

您收到的这些错误消息是因为 linker不知道与这些方法名称关联的代码所在的程序内部表示中的区域。而且找不到是因为你一开始没有定义它!考虑一下这种情况:调用一个代码不存在的函数有什么意义?

我建议你创建一个 Node.h 和 Node.cpp 文件,第一个带有声明,第二个带有定义( again, differences between the two concepts ),然后是 #include Node.h from main.c ?

void setData(int value);
//Use to modify the value stored in the list
void setLink(Node *next);
//Use to change the reference to the next node

另外,为了提高可读性,我建议将命名空间更改为 LinkedListOfClasses ?

编辑:关于您对您在 pastebin 中发布的内容的评论:
// Node.h
namespace LinkedListOfClasses {
  class Node {

      Node(int value, Node *next);
      int getData() const;
      Node *getLink() const;
      void setData(int value);
      void setLink(Node *next);
      int data;
      Node *link;
  typedef Node* NodePtr;

上面的代码包含声明 您在评论中提到的方法。关于丢失的定义 在 Node 类中声明的以下方法:
int getData() const;
Node *getLink() const;

您希望将它们的定义包含在您的 Node**.cpp** 文件中,而不是 中。 .h ! Node.cpp 将如下所示:
// Node.cpp
#include "Node.h"

using namespace LinkedListOfClasses;

void head_insert(NodePtr &head, int the_number) {

    NodePtr temp_ptr;
    temp_ptr = new Node(the_number, head);
    head = temp_ptr; 

Node::Node(int value, Node *next) {  

void Node::setData(int value) {

void Node::setLink(Node *next) {

int Node::getData() const {
  // getData definition was missing, now it's defined in Node.cpp!
Node *Node::getLink() const {
  // getLink definition was missing, now it's defined in Node.cpp!


关于C++,Xcode。每次我尝试使用类时都会出现同样的错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12872911/



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