sql-server - 发布时Visual Studio数据库项目忽略错误

标签 sql-server visual-studio compiler-errors sql-server-data-tools database-project






You can turn that prompt on/off in your Visual Studio settings:

  1. From the "Tools" menu, select "Options".
  2. In the dialog that appears, expand "Projects and Solutions", and click "Build and Run".
  3. On the right side, you'll see a combo box labeled "On Run, when build or deployment errors occur".

    • If you want to disable the message box, select either "Do not launch" or "Launch old version" (which will launch the old version automatically).
    • If you want to enable the message box, select "Prompt to launch" which will ask you each time.

VS "Build and Run" Options

Of course, as people have suggested in the comments, this means that your code has errors in it somewhere that are preventing it from compiling. You need to use the "Error List" to figure out what those errors are, and then fix them.

关于sql-server - 发布时Visual Studio数据库项目忽略错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59245323/


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