c# - 无法编译Newtonsoft.Json.Net20

标签 c# visual-studio-2013 compiler-errors json.net

我从http://www.newtonsoft.com/json下载了Newtonsoft.Json代码,并在VS 2013中打开了Newtonsoft.Json.Net20.sln。构建它时,我遇到了很多错误,所有错误都在JsonPrimitiveContract.cs中,这是一个示例

Invalid expression term '[' C:\Users\<path removed>\Newtonsoft.Json-master\Src\Newtonsoft.Json\Serialization\JsonPrimitiveContract.cs   60  13  Newtonsoft.Json.Net20



Json.NET具有solution .Net 2.0版的targets,但是源代码必须使用C#6.0编译器进行编译。从Issue #802:

06needhamt commented 6 days ago

I am requesting a branch of JSON.NET that can be compiled without c#6 as my organization does not support C# 6 and need to use a source distribution due to modifications,

JamesNK commented 6 days ago

Nope. C# 6 or bust.

Or use the source before C# 6 features.

根据您的问题,您正在使用VS2013。因此,您需要转到VS 2015或尝试将C#6.0安装到VS2013。尽管我从未尝试过,但How to enable C# 6.0 feature in Visual Studio 2013?表示有可能,并解释了如何做。

关于c# - 无法编译Newtonsoft.Json.Net20,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35143431/


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