compiler-errors - F#签名了解: “the -> operator and Compiler Errors”

标签 compiler-errors f# signature


opgave.fsx(28,14): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
but here has type
    'int -> int'

opgave.fsx(33,35): error FS0001: This expression was expected to have type
    'int list'
but here has type
    'int -> int list -> int list'


member this.getPixelColors(x,y,p) : int list =
    let pixel = image.GetPixel(x,y)
    let stringPixel = pixel.ToString()
    let rec breakFinder (s:string) (h:int) =
      match s.[h] with
      |',' -> s.[9..(h-1)] |> int
      |_ -> (breakFinder(s (h+1))) // this is line 28
    let rec yello x y p =
      match x with
      |l when l = imageW -> match y with
                            |k when k = imageH -> p@[(breakFinder stringPixel 0)]
                            |_ -> yello((0)(y+1)(p@[(breakFinder stringPixel 0)])) // this is line 33
      |_ -> yello((x+1)(y)(p@[(breakFinder stringPixel 0)])) // there is an error in this line aswell identical to line 33
    yello 0 0 []




int -> int -> string

例如,作为一个函数,它需要2个int并返回string。之所以这样显示它的原因之一是因为您也可以将此函数视为一个采用1 int并返回给您的函数,该函数采用1 int并返回string,这称为部分应用程序。

在第33行,它需要int list,这是表示list<int>的另一种方式。但是,您为它提供了一个函数,该函数接受intlist<int>并返回list<int>。同样,也许您需要同时使用两个输入来调用此函数以满足您的类型约束。

member this.getPixelColors(x,y,p) : int list =
    let pixel = image.GetPixel(x,y)
    let stringPixel = pixel.ToString()
    let rec breakFinder (s:string) (h:int) =
      match s.[h] with
      |',' -> s.[9..(h-1)] |> int
      |_ -> (breakFinder s (h+1))
    let rec yello x y p =
      match x with
      |l when l = imageW -> match y with
                            |k when k = imageH -> p@[(breakFinder stringPixel 0)]
                            |_ -> yello 0 (y+1) (p@[(breakFinder stringPixel 0)])
      |_ -> yello (x+1)(y)(p@[(breakFinder stringPixel 0)])
    yello 0 0 []

例如,要调用具有签名breakFinderstring -> int -> int,您可以这样做:let number = breakFinder "param1" 42

关于compiler-errors - F#签名了解: “the -> operator and Compiler Errors” ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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