c++ - 在C++中向动态 vector 添加 double 时的神秘减速

标签 c++ vector dynamic addition slowdown

在C++中将 double 数添加到很大的 double 动态 vector 时,我遇到了一些未知的减速问题。


当仅将A_temp1添加到动态 vector 时,不会降低速度:

    for(int i=0;i<=imax;i++){
    // neither of these cause slowdown on their own
       A_temp1 = pi;
       A_temp2 = [long-winded sum of sin and cos operations]; 
    // no slowdown if only A_temp1 is  added
        A_dyn_vec[i] = A_temp1; 

但是,将A_temp2添加到 vector 中时,速度会明显下降:
    for(int i=0;i<=imax;i++){
    // neither of these cause slowdown on their own
       A_temp1 = pi;
       A_temp2 = [long-winded sum of sin and cos operations]; 
    // significant slowdown 
        A_dyn_vec[i] = A_temp1 + A_temp2; 

    for(int i=0;i<=imax;i++){
    // neither of these cause slowdown on their own
       A_temp = pi + [long-winded sum of sin and cos operations]; 
    // significant slowdown 
        A_dyn_vec[i] = A_temp;

总之,由于某种原因,添加A_temp1不会导致速度降低,但是即使A_temp2都是 double 值,也不会导致速度降低。






编辑:我认为帮助您缩短执行时间的唯一方法是使罪恶和余弦的总和更好。基本上只是减少您执行的函数调用的数量。例如,将sin(i)^2 + cos(i)^2编写为1。这将减少函数调用的次数。或执行以下操作。

temp1 = sin(i);
temp2 = cos(i);
do the sum operation with temp1 and temp2 instead of calling the sin and cos functions again and again.

关于c++ - 在C++中向动态 vector 添加 double 时的神秘减速,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61625839/


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