c++ - 显示函数的枚举值

标签 c++ function struct enums


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

//TODO 1: ShapeKind Enumeration goes here
enum class ShapeKind{

//TODO 2: Shape Structure goes here
struct Shape{
     ShapeKind kind;
     double length, width;

// Function prototypes and definitions
double area(Shape s);
//TODO 3: area() definition goes here
double area(Shape s){
  double a;
      case ShapeKind::CIRCLE:
        return a= (s.length * s.width * 3.14) /4 ;
      case ShapeKind::SQUARE:
        return a = s.length *s.length;
      case ShapeKind::RECTANGLE:
        return a = s.length * s.width;



double perimeter(Shape s);
//TODO 4: perimeter() definition goes here

double perimeter(Shape s){
  double p;
      case ShapeKind::CIRCLE:
        return p= s.length * 3.14;

      case ShapeKind::SQUARE:
        return p = s.length *4;

      case ShapeKind::RECTANGLE:
        return p = 2 *(s.length + s.width);



string nameOf(Shape s);
//TODO 5: nameOf() definition goes here
string nameof(Shape s){
      case ShapeKind::CIRCLE:
        return "Circle";
      case ShapeKind::SQUARE:
        return "Square";
      case ShapeKind::RECTANGLE:
        return "Rectangle";


void promptAndReadInputFor(Shape& shape);
//TODO 6: promptAndReadInputFor() definition goes here
void promptAndReadInputFor(Shape& s){

      case ShapeKind::CIRCLE:
        cout <<"Enter the diameter or a circle: "<< endl;
        cin >> s.length;
        s.width =s.length;

      case ShapeKind::SQUARE:
        cout << "Enter the length of one side: "<< endl;
        cin >>s.length;

      case ShapeKind::RECTANGLE:
        cout << "Enter the length and width: "<< endl;
        cin >>s.length>>s.width;

          if (s.length == s.width)
              s.kind = ShapeKind::SQUARE; 



// The main function
int main() {
  // Shape objects
  Shape circle = { ShapeKind::CIRCLE, 0, 0 };
  //TODO 7: define two more shape objects: a square and and a rectangle
  Shape square= {ShapeKind::SQUARE, 0, 0};
  Shape rectangle ={ShapeKind::RECTANGLE, 0, 0}; 

  //TODO 8: Call the promptAndReadInputFor() function on each of the above three shapes

  //TODO 9: Print a out a report of these shapes in a table-like format

cout << setw(4) << "Shape" << setw(4) << "Width" << setw(4) << "Height" << setw(4) << "Perimeter"<< setw(4) << "Area"<<endl;    
cout << setw(4) << nameOf(circle) << setw(4) s.width  << setw(4) s.length << setw(4) perimeter(circle)<< setw(4) << area(circle)<< endl;

  return 0;



cout << setw(4) << nameOf(circle) << setw(4)  s.width  << setw(4) s.length
    //                                      ^HERE there should probably be '<<' 
    << setw(4) perimeter(circle)<< setw(4) << area(circle)<< endl;

关于c++ - 显示函数的枚举值,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62226465/


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