c++ - 读取文件时如何忽略无效输入?

标签 c++ file c++11 vector input


void read_file(string iname, vector<int>& result) {
  ifstream ist {iname}; // ist reads from the file named iname
  if (!ist) error("can't open input file ",iname);

  for (int temp; ist >> temp; ) 
  if (ist.fail()) {

void write_file(string& oname, string& input1, const vector<int>& result) {
  ofstream ost {oname}; // ost writes to a file named oname
  if (!ost) error("can't open output file ",oname);

  double sum = 0;
  for (int i=0; i<result.size(); ++i)
    sum += result[i];
  ost << sum;

int main()
  string input = "a.txt";
  string output = "b.txt";
  vector<int> result;

  read_file(input, result);
  write_file(output, input, result);


将每个以空格分隔的 token 读取为字符串,然后尝试将其转换为整数。如果失败,请跳过 token ,否则将其插入 vector :

#include <sstream>

void read_file(string iname, vector<int>& result) {
  ifstream ist{iname};  // ist reads from the file named iname
  if (!ist) error("can't open input file ", iname);

  istringstream iss;
  for (string token; ist >> token; iss.clear()) {
    int val;
    if (iss >> val) {

关于c++ - 读取文件时如何忽略无效输入?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63332805/


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