c++ - 在函数调用中是否会发生左值到右值转换?

标签 c++ c++17 language-lawyer


#include <iostream>
int func(){
   int a = 0;
   return a;
int main(){
   int result = func();


  1. A function returns to its caller by the return statement.
  2. [...] the return statement initializes the glvalue result or prvalue result object of the (explicit or implicit) function call by copy-initialization from the operand

因此,对int result = func();的调用就好像可以转换为:

//a fiction code
   int a = 0;
   int result = a; #1

由于a是glvalue,因此应将其转换为prvalue以进行prvalue评估(初始化对象)。所以我的问题是,在int result = func();主体中调用func时,是否需要将作为a的操作数的glvalue return转换为prvalue?


a经过lvalue到rvalue的转换,作为初始化结果对象的一部分。 (非正式地,这意味着将检索存储在名为a的存储位置中的值)。

参见[dcl.init] /17.8:

Otherwise, the initial value of the object being initialized is the (possibly converted) value of the initializer expression. Standard conversions (Clause 7) will be used, if necessary, to convert the initializer expression to the cv-unqualified version of the destination type; no user-defined conversions are considered.


关于c++ - 在函数调用中是否会发生左值到右值转换?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61004055/


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