c++ - 合格的 friend 功能模板实例化

标签 c++ templates language-lawyer c++17

今天早上看着C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (2nd Edition) / official site,我遇到了一个我不太明白的部分(如果您有这本书,则是12.5.2)。忽略这里无关紧要的内容:

If the name [in the friend declaration] is not followed by angle brackets there are two possibilities

  1. If the name isn't qualified [...]

  2. If the name is qualified (it contains ::), the name must refer to a previously declared function or function template. A matching function is preferred over a matching function template. However, such a friend declaration cannot be a definition.

void multiply(void*);

template <typename T>
void multiply(T);

class Comrades {
    // ... skipping some friends that do not effect the error message
    friend void ::multiply(int); // refers to an instance of the template
    // ...

error: ‘void multiply(int)’ should have been declared inside ‘::’
     friend void ::multiply(int);

error: out-of-line declaration of 'multiply' does not match any
  declaration in the global namespace
friend void ::multiply(int);


完整的代码包括一个较早的 friend 函数定义:
class Comrades {
    friend void multiply(int) { }
    friend void ::multiply(int);

哪个clang接受而gcc拒绝(这是different question)。无论哪种情况,它都没有证明作者陈述的规则,这是第二个引用同一类中较早版本的规则。


这本书是对的。 [temp.friend]p1-突出显示相关部分:

For a friend function declaration that is not a template declaration:

  • if the name of the friend is a qualified or unqualified template-id, [...]

  • if the name of the friend is a qualified-id and a matching non-template function is found in the specified class or namespace, [...]

  • if the name of the friend is a qualified-id and a matching function template is found in the specified class or namespace, the friend declaration refers to the deduced specialization of that function template

  • [...]

关于c++ - 合格的 friend 功能模板实例化,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54055575/


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