c++ - 使用语法在派生类中公开基类别名模板和变量模板?

标签 c++ templates inheritance c++17 using-declaration


template <class T>
struct base {
    using type = T;
    static constexpr int value = 0;
    template <class... Args>
    constexpr void function(Args&&...) {}
    template <class U>
    using alias_template = base<U>;
    template <class U>
    static constexpr int variable_template = 0; 

template <class T>
struct derived: base<T> {
    using typename base<T>::type;           // Using base typedef
    using base<T>::value;                   // Using base static data member
    using base<T>::function;                // Using base function members (regardless of template or not)
    //using typename base<T>::alias_template; // DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK
    //using base<T>::variable_template;       // DOES NOT SEEM TO WORK

    using typedef_test = type;                                          // Working
    static constexpr int value_test = value;                            // Working
    using alias_template_test = alias_template<T>;                      // ERROR
    static constexpr int variable_template_test = variable_template<T>; // ERROR



using doesn't work this way用于依赖成员模板:

A using-declaration also can't be used to introduce the name of a dependent member template as a template-name (the template disambiguator for dependent names is not permitted)

template<typename U>
using alias_template = typename base<T>::template alias_template<U>;

template<typename U>
static constexpr auto variable_template = base<T>::template variable_template<U>;

但是,IMO每次指定base<T>::都不是问题,并且比引入新模板更干净。您甚至可以使用using Base = my_long_base_class_name<T>;将其缩短

关于c++ - 使用语法在派生类中公开基类别名模板和变量模板?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61857361/



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