c++ - C++如何从函数返回对象数组

标签 c++ arrays function oop object


//the Subject class:
class Subject {
        string name;
        float grade;
        int factor;
        Subject(string x, float y, int z){
            name = x;
            grade = y;
            factor = z;

//get Input function declaration
Subject getInput(int num){
    //array of objects of type "Subject"
    Subject subArr[num];
    //a for loop to assign the array's elements
    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
        string name;
        float grade;
        int factor;
        cout << "what is the name of subject " << i+1 <<"? "<<endl;
        cin >> name;
        cout << "what is the grade of subject " << i+1 << "? "<<endl;
        cin >> grade;
        cout << "what is the factor of subject " << i+1 << "? "<<endl;
        cin >> factor;
        subArr[i]=Subject(name, grade, factor);
    //trying to return the subArr at last
    return subArr;

//main function
int main(){
    //get the number of subjects
    int numOfSubjects;
    cout << "how many subjects are there? ";
    cin >> numOfSubjects;
    //trying to receive the subArr from getInput call
    Subject subArr = getInput(numOfSubjects);



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

// the Subject class
class Subject {
        string name;
        float grade;
        int factor;
        Subject(string x, float y, int z){
            name = x;
            grade = y;
            factor = z;

// get Input function declaration
vector<Subject> getInput(int num){
    // array of objects of type "Subject"
    vector<Subject> subArr;
    // a for loop to assign the array's elements
    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
        string name;
        float grade;
        int factor;
        cout << "what is the name of subject " << i+1 <<"? "<<endl;
        cin >> name;
        cout << "what is the grade of subject " << i+1 << "? "<<endl;
        cin >> grade;
        cout << "what is the factor of subject " << i+1 << "? "<<endl;
        cin >> factor;
        subArr.push_back(Subject(name, grade, factor));
    // trying to return the subArr at last
    return subArr;

// main function
int main(){
    // get the number of subjects
    int numOfSubjects;
    cout << "how many subjects are there? ";
    cin >> numOfSubjects;
    // trying to receive the subArr from getInput call
    vector<Subject> subArr = getInput(numOfSubjects);

关于c++ - C++如何从函数返回对象数组,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/64373574/


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