c++ - C++ “Using Uninitialized Memory.. (variable name) ”

标签 c++ file memory file-io


 Using Uninitialized Memory 'zFeeding'
 Using Uninitialized Memory 'zPercent'
 Using Uninitialized Memory 'dFeeding'
 Using Uninitialized Memory 'dPercent'
 Using Uninitialized Memory 'wFeeding'
 Using Uninitialized Memory 'wPercent'

Zany A 5 4
Den B 4 8
Windi C 5 2.1



#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main()

    double zFeeding; //Declaring variables
    double dFeeding;
    double wFeeding;
    double zPercent;
    double dPercent;
    double wPercent;
    double zFeedingNew;
    double dFeedingNew;
    double wFeedingNew; 

    char filename[50];
    string zName, dName, wName, zID, dID, wID;

    ifstream penguinInfo; //Allows input and output for the two different files
    ofstream dataOutput;

    cout << "Enter filename containing penguins information" << endl; //Asking for user to input file name, then opening that file
    cin.getline(filename, 50);

    dataOutput << showpoint << fixed << setprecision(2); ////formating the output

    //this will set the information from penguins.txt to actual variables.
    penguinInfo >> zName, zID, zFeeding, zPercent, dName, dID, dFeeding, dPercent, wName, wID, wFeeding, wPercent;

    zFeedingNew = zFeeding + (zFeeding * (zPercent / 100)); //equations for new feeding amounts
    dFeedingNew = dFeeding + (dFeeding * (dPercent / 100));
    wFeedingNew = wFeeding + (wFeeding * (wPercent / 100));

    dataOutput << zName << " " << zID << " " << zFeedingNew << " lbs." << endl; //Outputs data to FeedingOutput.dat for Zany

    dataOutput << dName << " " << dID << " " << dFeedingNew << " lbs." << endl; //Outputs data to FeedingOutput.dat for Den

    dataOutput << wName << " " << wID << " " << wFeedingNew << " lbs." << endl; //Outputs data to FeedingOutput.dat for Windi

    penguinInfo.close(); //close files and requires approval to close the program
    return 0;





penguinInfo >> zName, zID, zFeeding, zPercent, dName, dID, dFeeding, dPercent, wName, wID, wFeeding, wPercent;

根据operator precedenceoperator >>的优先级高于operator,,并且与
(penguinInfo >> zName), zID, zFeeding, zPercent, dName, dID, dFeeding, dPercent, wName, wID, wFeeding, wPercent;

即只有zName设置为penguinInfo >> zName

penguinInfo >> zName >> zID >> zFeeding >> zPercent >> dName >> dID >> dFeeding >> dPercent >> wName >> wID >> wFeeding >> wPercent;

关于c++ - C++ “Using Uninitialized Memory.. (variable name) ”,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59315357/


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