c++ - C++字符串:size_t和字符串::npos

标签 c++ c++11 c++14



#include <iostream>
#include <string>  //C++ Strings Library
using namespace std;

int main() {
  string s1 {};
  string wordFind {};
  s1 = "The secret word is Boo";
    cout << "Enter the word to find: ";
    cin >> wordFind;
    size_t position = s1.find(wordFind);
     if (position != string::npos)
        cout << "Found " << wordFind << " at position: " << position << endl;
        cout << "Sorry! " << wordFind << " not found" << endl;
    return 0;

  • 什么是size_t,什么时候应确切使用它们?(我所知道的是,我们应该将它们用于数组索引和循环计数)
  • 为什么我们在这里使用size_t?难道不是这样吗?:
  • position = s1.find(wordFind);
  • 确切的位置是什么?(我是说它是组成的,还是C++的一部分?)
  • if条件是否意味着搜索单词直到字符串末尾?

  • 编辑:谢谢大家对我的帮助...我很感激:)


    What is size_t and when should we use them exactly?(All I know is that we should use them for array indexing and loop counting)

    size_t是一个无符号整数类型,其大小足以表示C++中任何对象的大小,包括数组类型。 (大小以字节为单位)。

    Why did we use size_t here?


    couldn't it be like this?: position = s1.find(wordFind);

    不,您必须指定position的类型。或者,您可以使用auto:auto position = s1.find(wordFind);

    What is position exactly?(I mean is it made up or is it a part of C++?)


    Does the if condition mean to search the word untill the end of the string?

    它正在检查是否找到了该单词。 std::string::npos是一个特殊数字,如果找不到所需的子字符串,则std::string::find返回。

    关于c++ - C++字符串:size_t和字符串::npos,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60031225/


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