c++ - 如何在构造函数中初始化char

标签 c++ arrays constructor

    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;

    class MyClass
        private :
        char str[848];

        public :



        MyClass(char a[])  
            str[848] = a[848];

        MyClass operator () (char a[])
            str[848] = a[848];

        void myFunction(MyClass m)


        void display()
            cout << str[848];

    int main()
        MyClass m1;  //MyClass has just one data member i.e. character array named str of size X
                                //where X is a constant integer and have value equal to your last 3 digit of arid number
        MyClass m2("COVID-19") , m3("Mid2020");
        m2.display(); //will display COVID-19
        m2.display(); //now it will display Mid2020
        m3.display(); //now it will display COVID-19
      //if your array size is even then you will add myEvenFn() in class with empty body else add myOddFn()
      return 0;    





  • 使用循环逐元素复制元素:
  • MyClass(char a[])  
        //make sure that sizeof(a) <= to sizeof(str);
        // you can not do sizeof(a) here, because it is
        // not an array, it has been decayed to a pointer
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(str); ++i) {
            str[i] = a[i];
  • 使用std::copy中的<algorithm>
  • const int size = 848;
    std::copy(a, a + size, str); 

    MyClass(char a[])  
        strncpy(str, a, sizeof(str));
  • 使用库中的std::array。它具有多种优势,例如,您可以像普通变量一样直接分配它。示例:
  • std::array<char, 848> str = {/*some data*/};
    std::array<char, 848> str1;
    str1 = str;

    关于c++ - 如何在构造函数中初始化char,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62382187/


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