sql - T-SQL 如何 "Flatten"前 3 行变成单行

标签 sql sql-server tsql


TSQL Pivot without aggregate function

trying to flatten rows into columns

Fetching Columns of a multiple rows in one row

因此,我的问题是 - 我有这种格式的数据(从产品推荐查询中选择为前 3 个结果):

 CustID | StyleNo | Brand | ID 
    1   |   ABC   | BrandA| 1 
    1   |   DEF   | BrandB| 2 
    1   |   GHI   | BrandC| 3 
    2   |   JKL   | BrandA| 4 
    2   |   MNO   | BrandB| 5 
    2   |   PQR   | BrandD| 6 

 CustID | StyleNo1| StyleNo2| StyleNo3 | Brand1 | Brand2 | Brand3
    1   |   ABC   |   DEF   |   GHI    | BrandA | BrandB | BrandC 
    2   |   JKL   |   MNO   |   PQR    | BrandA | BrandB | BrandD


我尝试的是一个 PIVOT - 但是我没有什么可以真正聚合的。我也尝试过 Min(Case...When...Then...End)如第二个链接问题中所述,但如前所述,我没有提到“标题”列。


我目前正在使用 SQLServer 2012


使用窗口函数 Row_Number() 和条件聚合

 Select CustID
       ,StyleNo1 = max(case when RN=1 then StyleNo else null end)
       ,StyleNo2 = max(case when RN=2 then StyleNo else null end)
       ,StyleNo3 = max(case when RN=3 then StyleNo else null end)
       ,Brand1   = max(case when RN=1 then Brand   else null end)
       ,Brand2   = max(case when RN=2 then Brand   else null end)
       ,Brand3   = max(case when RN=3 then Brand   else null end)
 From  (
         Select *,RN = Row_Number() over (Partition By CustID Order by StyleNo,Brand)
         From  YourTable
       ) A
 Where RN<=3
 Group By CustID


enter image description here

关于sql - T-SQL 如何 "Flatten"前 3 行变成单行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40750886/


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