Perl 计算一列与另一列聚合的总和

标签 perl hash aggregation


ID       Volume
A          20
D          60
B          10
A          50
K          30 
B          100
D          80 

所以我想要所有不同 ID(A、B、C...)的总和(按数量计算)并按该总和排序


D           140
B           110
A           70
K           30

我如何在 Perl 中完成这个任务?



  use strict;
  use warnings;

  my %ids_and_sums;

  while (<>) {
     # The regex will only consider one single uppercase letter as
     # an ID; in case your IDs may look different, you could prepend
     # your 'ID  Volume' line with a character which will never be part
     # of an ID, and modify below regex to meet your needs
     my ($id, $volume) = m/^([A-Z])\s+(\d+)/;

     if ($id and $volume) {
        $ids_and_sums{$id} += $volume;

  foreach my $key (sort {$ids_and_sums{$b} <=> $ids_and_sums{$a}} keys %ids_and_sums) {
     print "$key: $ids_and_sums{$key}\n";


D: 140
B: 110
A: 70
K: 30


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