unity-game-engine - 用于在区域中查找空白空间的函数,如果没有找到,如何返回错误?

标签 unity-game-engine unityscript

下面的函数 FindEmptySpace() 会在一个区域中查找随机的空白空间。它通过在该区域内选择随机坐标,检查那里是否已经存在任何东西,然后循环这个过程,直到成功找到一个没有任何东西的位置,然后返回它来实现这一点。


static function FindEmptySpace ()
    var sphereRadius = 2.0;
    while ( true )
        var spawnPos = RandomPoint();   // Get random position within level bounds

        if ( !Physics.CheckSphere( spawnPos, sphereRadius ) )   // Check if area is empty
    return spawnPos;    // Return empty location




static function CheckForEmptySpace ()
    var bounds = GameController.levelAttributes.bounds;
    var sphereRadius = 2.0;
    var startingPos = Vector3( Random.Range(bounds.xMin, bounds.xMax), 0, Random.Range(bounds.yMin, bounds.yMax) );
    // Loop, until empty adjacent space is found
    var spawnPos = startingPos; 
    while ( true )
        if ( !Physics.CheckSphere( spawnPos, sphereRadius ) )   // Check if area is empty
            return spawnPos;    // Return location
            // Not empty, so gradually move position down. If we hit the boundary edge, move and start again from the opposite edge.
            var shiftAmount = 2;
            spawnPos.z -= shiftAmount;
            if ( spawnPos.z < bounds.yMin )
                spawnPos.z = bounds.yMax;
                spawnPos.x += shiftAmount;
                if ( spawnPos.x > bounds.xMax )
                    spawnPos.x = bounds.xMin;
            // If we reach back to a close radius of the starting point, then we didn't find any empty spots
            var proximity = (spawnPos - startingPos).sqrMagnitude;
            var range = shiftAmount-0.1;    // Slight 0.1 buffer so it ignores our initial proximity to the start point
            if ( proximity < range*range )  // Square the range
                Debug.Log( "An empty location could not be found" );
                return null;

关于unity-game-engine - 用于在区域中查找空白空间的函数,如果没有找到,如何返回错误?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18874950/


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