sql - 如何基于案例表达式中的条件更新行

标签 sql oracle


select A.*,
    WHEN A.COUNT = 1        
    THEN 'rank1'  
    -- I want to give the condition here saying update the row
    -- which has the latest login date with 'rank1' .. now it is
    -- updating all the row which has count as 1
    else 'rank2' end as Rank 
from table A



count  regID   login        rank
1      221      10 april 16     rank1
1      221      9 april 16      rank2
1      221      8 april 16      rank2
1      366      8 march 16      rank2
1      366      1 feb 16        rank2
1      366      22 april 16     rank1



select A.*,
       (case when a.count = 1 and
                  row_number() over (partition by a.count, regid order by login desc) = 1
             then 'rank1'
             else 'rank2'
        end) as rank
from table A;

关于sql - 如何基于案例表达式中的条件更新行,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36572313/


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