regex - perl6 如何只在某些条件下匹配一个字符?

标签 regex match conditional-statements raku


- foo bar - baz
  one two three - or four
  and another line

- next job
  do this - and that


grammar tasks {
    regex TOP        { \n* <oneTask>+ \n* }
    regex oneTask    { ^^ \- (<oneSection> <endSection>)+ }
    regex oneSection { \N+ } # this is not quite working
    regex endSection { \n+ }

在正则表达式 oneSection 中,如何编写“我只想匹配不在行首的‘-’”这一事实?


my $content = slurp("taskFile");
my $result = tasks.parse($content);


<[\N] - [\-]> does not make the match conditional.





regex oneSection {

    || ^^            # beginning of line
       <-[\n-]>      # not newline or dash
       \N*           # any number of not newlines

    || <!before ^^>  # check the position before this is not the start of a line



您也可以像现在一样进行匹配,并添加一个以 - 开头的测试失败。

regex oneSection {

    <!{ # fail if the following is True


如果您学习如何使用 %%% 正则表达式运算符,编写语法会变得更好。
(不同之处在于 %% 可以匹配尾随分隔符)

有效地使用 % 需要一些时间来适应,所以我将向您展示我将如何使用它来匹配您的文件。

我还将各部分的分隔符从一个换行符更改为一个换行符和两个空格。这将从 section 匹配的内容中删除空格,这将简化任何进一步的处理。

在您学习的过程中,我建议您使用 Grammar::Debugger 和 Grammar::Tracer。

grammar Tasks {
    # use token for its :ratchet behaviour
    # ( more performant than regex because it doesn't backtrack )
    token TOP {
        \n*       # ignore any preceding empty lines

        <task>+   # at least one task
        %         # separated by
        \n+       # at least one newline

        \n*       # ignore trailing empty lines

    token task {
      ^^ '- '     # a task starts with 「- 」 at the beginning of a line

      <section>+  # has at least one section
      %           # separated by
      "\n  "      # a newline and two spaces

    token section { \N+ }
my $test = q:to/END/;
- foo bar - baz
  one two three - or four
  and another line

- next job
  do this - and that

put Tasks.parse( $test, :actions(class {
  method TOP     ($/) { make @<task>».made.List }
  method task    ($/) { make @<section>».made.List }
  method section ($/) {
    make ~$/  # don't do any processing, just make it a Str

# (("foo bar - baz", "one two three - or four", "and another line"),
#  ("next job", "do this - and that"))

如果我把 use Grammar::Tracer; 放在顶部,这就是它的输出:

|  task
|  |  section
|  |  * MATCH "foo bar - baz"
|  |  section
|  |  * MATCH "one two three - or four"
|  |  section
|  |  * MATCH "and another line"
|  * MATCH "- foo bar - baz\n  one two three - or four\n  and another l"
|  task
|  |  section
|  |  * MATCH "next job"
|  |  section
|  |  * MATCH "do this - and that"
|  * MATCH "- next job\n  do this - and that"
|  task
|  * FAIL
* MATCH "- foo bar - baz\n  one two three - or four\n  and another line"

FAIL 是预料之中的,因为有一个尾随换行符,并且就语法所知,它后面可以跟一个任务。

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