ios - 问题:消息发送到已释放实例

标签 ios swift xcode crash

我在HomeViewController中有一些代码。当我打开下一个 Controller 并点击按钮并执行

let strotyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Anketa", bundle: nil)
    if let anketaController = strotyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "QuestionnaireViewController") as? QuestionnaireViewController {
        anketaController.startNew = true
        print("1111 HomeViewController openNext , ", anketaController)
        present(anketaController, animated: true, completion: nil)

"QuestionnaireViewController retain]: message sent to deallocated instance 0x10480a400"

我打印了print("1111 HomeViewController openNext , ", anketaController),第一次点击按钮是:
1111 HomeViewController openNext ,  <.QuestionnaireViewController: 0x10480a400>
1111 HomeViewController openNext ,  <.QuestionnaireViewController: 0x10901fa00>
并且该应用在iOS 13上崩溃


奥默尔的答案可能是正确的。我自己创建保留循环有很多麻烦(即使经过很多时间)。帮助我的是this idea of doing an extension to UIViewController that makes a delayed check on the self pointer to make sure it's deallocated
如果2秒钟后未释放 View Controller ,则您肯定会泄漏,因此断言将停止您的代码,您可以使用XCode的Memory Graph功能,找到 View Controller 并查看使它保持 Activity 状态的原因。

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