vb.net - 如何强制客户端在启动时使用 VB.NET 项目更新应用程序?

标签 vb.net visual-studio-2008 clickonce

我们有一个使用 Visual Studio 2008 用 VB.NET 编写的项目,将安装在 17 台客户端计算机上。


我们已经从 Visual Studio 中创建了一个安装程序,并在客户端计算机上运行了 setup.exe。一切正常,但如果与此同时我们发布另一个更新,则在启动时用户会收到一条通知,说明该项目的新版本可用。

这是图片的链接,因为我没有足够的信誉来上传图片: http://postimage.org/image/7l7w6u841/






如果您使用的是 ClickOnce,这可以通过指定最低要求的版本来完成

There may be occasions when you want to require users to run an updated version of your application. For example, you might make a change to an external resource such as a Web service that would prevent the earlier version of your application from working correctly. In this case, you would want to mark your update as required and prevent users from running the earlier version. To mark an update as required, click Specify a minimum required version for this application in the Application Updates dialog box, and then specify the publish version (Major, Minor, Build, Revision), which specifies the lowest version number of the application that can be installed. For more information, see Application Updates Dialog Box.

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/s22azw1e(v=vs.100).aspx (向下滚动到需要更新)

关于vb.net - 如何强制客户端在启动时使用 VB.NET 项目更新应用程序?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11340855/


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