google-cloud-storage - GCS 中删除的全局一致性

标签 google-cloud-storage

以下片段来自 GCS docs :

Strong global consistency also extends to deletion (DELETE) operations on objects and update (PUT) operations that change existing object and bucket ACLs. If you delete an object and you receive a success response, an immediate attempt to download (GET) the object will result in a 404 Not Found status code. Likewise, if you change ACLs on an object or bucket and you receive a success response, the newly applied object or bucket ACLs are immediately available.

令人困惑,我认为全局一致性意味着我不会得到 404 Not Found 错误,对吧?


您将收到 404 错误,因为删除操作成功完成后该对象不再存在。如果不是为了强一致性,可能会删除一个对象,然后对该对象执行 GET 并取回该对象的旧的、删除前的状态。

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