performance - 在没有交互选项的情况下运行 Gatling

标签 performance performance-testing gatling

当我运行 Gatling 时(性能测试工具),它总是给我一个交互式对话框来一次运行一个 Scala 模拟文件。有没有办法告诉 Gatling 以特定顺序运行所有文件?我确定一定有一个,但似乎没有找到一种方法来指定它。



user@host $ ./bin/ -h


GATLING_HOME is set to /path/to/gatling
Usage: compiler [options]

  -h, --help               
  -sf, --simulations-folder <value>

  -bf, --binaries-folder <value>

  -ccp, --compilerClasspath <value>

Usage: gatling [options]

  -h, --help               Show help (this message) and exit
  -nr, --no-reports        Runs simulation but does not generate reports
  -m, --mute               Runs in mute mode: doesn't ask for run description or simulation ID, uses defaults
  -ro, --reports-only <directoryName>
                           Generates the reports for the simulation in <directoryName>
  -df, --data-folder <directoryPath>
                           Uses <directoryPath> as the absolute path of the directory where feeders are stored
  -rf, --results-folder <directoryPath>
                           Uses <directoryPath> as the absolute path of the directory where results are stored
  -bdf, --bodies-folder <directoryPath>
                           Uses <directoryPath> as the absolute path of the directory where bodies are stored
  -sf, --simulations-folder <directoryPath>
                           Uses <directoryPath> to discover simulations that could be run
  -bf, --binaries-folder <directoryPath>
                           Uses <directoryPath> as the absolute path of the directory where Gatling should produce compiled binaries
  -s, --simulation <className>
                           Runs <className> simulation
  -on, --output-name <name>
                           Use <name> for the base name of the output directory
  -rd, --run-description <description>
                           A short <description> of the run to include in the report


./bin/ -s RecordedSimulation


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