google-chrome - gmail api返回查询参数之外的电子邮件

标签 google-chrome google-chrome-extension gmail gmail-api google-api-js-client

为 Gmail 构建一个 Chrome 扩展,试图只检索发给我的电子邮件。我使用 this page 底部的 gapi 线程 API Explorer去测试。它会按预期返回仅限收件箱的项目,如下图底部所示。我复制并粘贴请求 URL + thisToken
从上面的 API Explorer 进入我下面的 background.js 代码,但除了我收到的邮件之外,我还收到了我发送的电子邮件。

注意:我确实将 API Explorer 的请求 URL 中的“ key ”更改为“access_token”,否则我发出的任何请求均无效。


<强> Google API Explorer结果(预期)
this image

我的代码来自 background.js,带有复制的请求 URL

  chrome.tabs.onUpdated.addListener( function (tabId, changeInfo, tab) {
    if (changeInfo.status == 'complete') {
      chrome.identity.getAuthToken({ 'interactive': true }, function(token) {
        thisToken = token

            var gapiRequestAllThreadsToSelf = "" + thisToken
            var getAllThreadsToSelf = function (gapiRequestURL)
                  var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
         "GET", gapiRequestURL, false );
                  xmlHttp.send( null );
                  return xmlHttp.responseText;

            var threadsToSelf = getAllThreadsToSelf(gapiRequestAllThreadsToSelf)

            chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, function(tabs) {
              chrome.tabs.sendMessage(tabs[0].id, {data: threadsToSelf}, function(response) {


返回意外的 9 封电子邮件,而不是 6 封(前 3 封是我发送的电子邮件)

 "threads": [
   "id": "14e69c9075bd53",
   "snippet": "Thank you!",
   "historyId": "8573"
   "id": "14e69be815c6a0",
   "snippet": "Thaaaanks",
   "historyId": "8550"
   "id": "14e644211d19b0",
   "snippet": "Reply to this email, Danny boy",
   "historyId": "8481"
   "id": "14e1c4702de573",
   "snippet": "Hey guys, Here is the gmail Chrome extension I am working on. This is the basic mvp I&#39;m iterating",
   "historyId": "8328"
   "id": "14e13259f00f0e",
   "snippet": "Hello Daniel Klos, Thanks for buying from Chrome Web Store using Google Wallet! Chrome Web Store will",
   "historyId": "8431"
   "id": "14e12da5ca9c16",
   "snippet": "Here are your account details. Sign in » Your billing setup is complete. See your account details",
   "historyId": "6181"
   "id": "14e12d1e3e41ba",
   "snippet": "Hi Dan Welcome to your Gmail inbox Save everything With up to 30GB of space, you&#39;ll never need to",
   "historyId": "2678"
   "id": "14e12d1e1be7b3",
   "snippet": "Hi Dan Get the official Gmail app The best features of Gmail are only available on your phone and",
   "historyId": "6114"
   "id": "14e12d1e19e865",
   "snippet": "Hi Dan Work smarter with Gmail and Google Apps Manage Calendar meetings Google Calendar makes",
   "historyId": "2682"
 "resultSizeEstimate": 9

我的 manifest.json 很好用

  "manifest_version": 2,
  "key": "redacted",
  "name": "redacted",
  "description": "Description",
  "version": "",
  "default locale": "en",
  "icons": { "128": "imgs/pledge_pin.png"},
  "content_scripts" : [
      "matches": ["*://*"],
      "js": ["js/jquery.js", "js/compose.js", "bower_components/jqnotifybar/jquery.notifyBar.js"],
      "css": ["css/stylesheet.css", "bower_components/jqnotifybar/css/jquery.notifyBar.css"]
  "background": {
    "scripts": ["scripts/background.js"]
  "permissions": [
  "oauth2": {
    "client_id": "redacted",
    "scopes": [""]


执行 threads.list() 将返回线程中的任何消息都符合条件的线程。如果您只想要符合特定条件的消息,则改为执行messages.list()

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