assembly - 我如何获得负股息的正模

标签 assembly x86 integer-division

我正在尝试获取 [0 ... n-1] 范围内的模 n (0 < n)。

指令idiv n将 EDX:EAX(64 位)除以 n,然后离开
EAX=商,EDX=余数。 (n 是我代码中的寄存器)

我的问题是,当 EDX:EAX 的内容为负数时,我在 EDX 中得到负数结果。


cdq            ; extend EAX sign bit to EDX
idiv n         ; edx = (possibly neg.) remainder
add edx, n
mov eax, edx   ; eax = remainder + n
idiv n         ; edx = positive remainder



-5 mod 3 = -2(余数,-1 商)

修补余数:-2 + 3 = +1,这就是你想要的,对吧?

那么商是 -1 - 1 = -2。

验证:-2 * 3 + +1 = -5

cdq            ; extend EAX sign bit to EDX
idiv n         ; edx = (possibly neg.) remainder
mov eax, edx   ; eax = copy of remainder
add edx, n     ; negative remainder modified to positive one (for --quotient)
               ; when going from negative to positive, CF will be set (unsigned overflow)
cmovc eax,edx  ; when CF, load eax with modified remainder
; eax = to-be-positive-adjusted remainder


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